For many people building a new home is an adventure that should be accomplished without the neccessity to borrow from a bank. In this case a set of plans can be drawn up by a competent and qualified architectural building designer. We can arrange your engineering certification, environmental sustainability accreditation and development approval plus a construction certificate. All of this can be done to your own specific standards and design concept exactly how your family want it. The completed plans are yours to deal with, you can build as an owner builder meaning you can either do the manual aspects of the build yourself or you can arrange your own sub-contractors for each aspect. This will save you many thousands of dollars, for example a 200 square metre home that would or could cost $350,000 would be built for well under $200,000 as you can afford it.
We at Lake2Country Pty Ltd are capable of guiding you through all aspects of this process from start to finish, we can prepare the documentation, do the site set-out, carry out your earthworks and get you well on the road to affordably building your new family home. Don’t be scared to deal with the Lake Macquarie City Council planning department, they really are there to help.
All of this will be done at a predetermined, quoted price including we can help you get the best prices for all of your materials buying directly from the suppliers. Don’t get conned into buying a “Kit Home” when you can arrange your own kit materials at way cheaper prices from Hunter Valley and Newcastle suppliers.
This service can apply to “Granny Flat” builds also, giving you the oportunity to add imense value and function to your home property at a rate and budget you can afford.
This service is available from Lake2Country throughout the Western Shore of Lake Macquarie from Wyee through Morisset, Wangi Wangi, Rathmines, Toronto and as far north to Speers Point and Warners Bay. We are also happy to perform these services at Cooranbong & Martinsville.
Please feel free to call Colbain on 0411384481.